The only one I’ve seen that can do this so far is Liftoff. Does anyone know of any others?

    610 months ago

    I don’t understand what you mean.

    I’m looking at a post in a community from from a user of in my instance from jerboa.

    All lemmy clients can federated content from multiple instances because lemmy can federated content from multiple instances.

      • @AnbalsilferOP
        010 months ago

        In this context it probably is, since the federation that is done on the fediverse is something else entirely. “Collate” might be a better word, perhaps.

      310 months ago

      Liftoff allows you to specifically choose the instance you see the content from.

      It can be useful when sometimes one of the instances will have older posts while another would not.

    • @AnbalsilferOP
      110 months ago

      I didn’t mean federate in the Lemmy/Fediverse sense, but rather in the collation/multireddit sense. In other words, gathering posts from many different sources, in this case instances, and displaying them as a single list. Given the context, calling this “federation” was probably very confusing, and definitely a poor choice of words. I apologize for that.

      In Liftoff, this takes the form of an All/Everything view (where “All” means all currently logged in instances) which collates and displays posts from many different Lemmy instances at once. This is the feature I was looking for in other clients.

  • Dieguito 🦝
    29 months ago

    I assume this is not frequently implemented because it’s a nuisance (from a developer’s point of view) if you centralized all API requests in a shared component, since you have to point to another base URL on the fly. I am developing a small “toy” client myself and I implemented this feature because I wanted to explore all (and only) the communities on a given instance to list them and access their posts. But subscribing to a community from another instance is more difficult. Since it’s not a highly requested feature, maybe many projects prefer to focus on other features.