• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    We’ve always had these shitheads. I’m sure every country has some percentage of them. Something in the range of 15-20% of the populace, at least, will always go for something vaguely donvict-shaped. These are the deplorables that Hillary was talking about. There is a lot of mental illness combined with terrible values instilled in them as well as a very poor education and zero ability for critical thinking - and that spells trouble. I bet most Americans could not spot and name a logical fallacy if their lives depended on it.

    You’d think when someone like Nixon resigned that he would have had 0% support. That was not the case. And before that, you had the Birchers…I’m sure donvict and others like to credit donvict with inventing “maga”, but he just walked in and slapped his name on this stuff - just like the rest of his “career”, he didn’t build anything. Whether it was the John Birch Society, or the teabaggers, or “maga”, it’s all the same bunch of horrible people acting in bad faith.