If Apple complies with this, the UK government will gain access to all iCloud data globally. The only way Apple comes out of this with any integrity is to leave the UK market. If they give in to this, every regime in the world will demand the same thing. And that’s before we even get to the fact that there’s no such thing a “backdoor” for just so-and-so. Either there is a door or there isn’t and if there is, anyone who obtains the key can use it.
#apple #backdoor #UK #encryption #privacy #security #personhood #data #democracy #humanRights #iCloud
@aral@mastodon.ar.al data governance and sovereignty requirements for businesses or orgs isn’t unusual, in higher ed for example you need to store data in the US; china probably has a ton of requirements like that. google has been doing it almost as long as yahoo i think.