We’ve written a detective story and I’m wondering if anybody likes it. It’s kind of a detective story that “tells itself”.
You’re detective Derek Maker and you have to extract a confession by interrogating the suspects of an art heist.
We worked hard on writing the script (it’s not AI generated!) and we programmed an AI to play out the other characters.
Solving it seems pretty difficult, because so far nobody’s come close to cracking it!
Can you solve it? And do you think it’s any good?
I ran out of time with not enough evidence… A lot of discrepancies though in their stories but not enough to solve it.
Edit: I feel like we should have a file on the case with the basic facts, like what the painting was, when the painting was stolen, if anything suspicious was found at the museum. Because it seems weird to ask suspects about that.
That’s a really nice idea. We should add something like this, and add a progress bar showing how many of the 13 pieces of required information have been uncovered so far.