Forced labor and indoctrination compared to just forced labor. If we start calling for profit prisons time-out zones with chores will that placate you?
Rehabilitative prisons are places of indoctrination as well, yet people are okay with that. It depends what the goals are, and what other options were tried first.
For profit prisons are bad because the goal is profit, and the product they sell is people (labor). I dont think many people have avoided anti-china propaganda to be able to judge that situation fully though.
China isn’t rehabilitating a criminal into a person, they turn a possible political opponent into an obediant resident, while also using them as slave labor in the camps. China and the US are doing the same thing but calling them something different.
The Uighurs have been trying to become independent from china for a long while, and have committed acts of terror in China to further that goal. Freedom of religion is one thing but when members of that religious group use it as justification to harm people, then its been taken too far.
Americas freedom of religion is one of the reasons its so fucked right now. Absolutes rarely work out as expected.
At this point I trust their government and our government equally.
As an American, I would take the word of any single European union member nation over the word of both China and the US claiming anything in unison.
At least China has the guts to call out the West for supporting the genocide in Gaza, something out own Democratic party seems wholly incapable of.
It is easy calling out genocides from other nations.
Call me when they talk about their own genocides.
Ignore their own genocide against muslims, focus on the Jews.
Even in that regard, reeducation camps are better than for-profit prisons. They have different goals in mind.
Forced labor and indoctrination compared to just forced labor. If we start calling for profit prisons time-out zones with chores will that placate you?
Rehabilitative prisons are places of indoctrination as well, yet people are okay with that. It depends what the goals are, and what other options were tried first.
For profit prisons are bad because the goal is profit, and the product they sell is people (labor). I dont think many people have avoided anti-china propaganda to be able to judge that situation fully though.
China isn’t rehabilitating a criminal into a person, they turn a possible political opponent into an obediant resident, while also using them as slave labor in the camps. China and the US are doing the same thing but calling them something different.
The Uighurs have been trying to become independent from china for a long while, and have committed acts of terror in China to further that goal. Freedom of religion is one thing but when members of that religious group use it as justification to harm people, then its been taken too far.
Americas freedom of religion is one of the reasons its so fucked right now. Absolutes rarely work out as expected.