In the spirit of our earlier “happy computer memories” thread, I’ll open one for happy book memories. What’s a book you read that occupies a warm-and-fuzzy spot in your memory? What book calls you back to the first time you read it, the way the smell of a bakery brings back a conversation with a friend?

As a child, I was into mystery stories and Ancient Egypt both (not to mention dinosaurs and deep-sea animals and…). So, for a gift one year I got an omnibus set of the first three Amelia Peabody novels. Then I read the rest of the series, and then new ones kept coming out. I was off at science camp one summer when He Shall Thunder in the Sky hit the bookstores. I don’t think I knew of it in advance, but I snapped it up and read it in one long summer afternoon with a bottle of soda and a bag of cookies.

  • Sailor Sega
    1 month ago

    OK I lied I need to say more

    I had transferred from a private school to a public elementary school which was way behind in my math education and for some reason no one thought to put me in a better math class. During this time my dad gave me Who is Fourier? A Mathematical Adventure.

    This was a textbook with a lot of illustrations and little cartoon characters discussing the fourier waves overly enthusiastically. It was put out by a weird Japanese school (“The transnational college of LEX” – I’m still not 100% convinced they’re not some math and language cult or something).

    Despite being about the fourier transform it assumed no knowledge from the reader besides basic arithmetic; and so covered trigonometry and calculus concepts where needed.

    So despite only vaguely understanding a lot of the concepts in the book, it really set me up well for calculus class (when I finally got to that years later), and is probably the only reason I was good at math through university. That weird little math book that no one has heard of but I was obsessed with.