95% of electricity in Norway is hydropower. During the last 10 years gridlines have been connected to central Europe, leading to hydropower being exported, and a subsequent 10x price hike for electricity in southern Norway.
Senterpartiet used to be called the “farmers party” , their policies are about supporting life in the districts, nature, environment and agriculture. And they are fiercely Eurosceptics
The Labour party tends to be more in favour of industry, as well as aligning with EU
Virtually all Norwegian oil and gas is exported.
95% of electricity in Norway is hydropower. During the last 10 years gridlines have been connected to central Europe, leading to hydropower being exported, and a subsequent 10x price hike for electricity in southern Norway.
Senterpartiet used to be called the “farmers party” , their policies are about supporting life in the districts, nature, environment and agriculture. And they are fiercely Eurosceptics
The Labour party tends to be more in favour of industry, as well as aligning with EU