• gift_of_gab@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    It is our vibrant arguments, passionate disagreements and loud messy divisions and categories that keep leftism from becoming an echo chamber, as you nod towards in putting it in parentheses.

    Yes, I could have been more direct there absolutely. Left-wing discussions cannot become echo chambers because there’s nothing to echo other than ‘help people.’ I’m in a workers assembly, and we constantly disagree on how to make major change. We do all of it, however, while handing out gloves, socks, and toques to the unhoused. We do it while making survival packs with menstrual pads in them for unhoused women. We do it while marching in solidarity with striking workers.

    I have never, ever seen a single ‘centrist’ join us in any of these things. No right-wingers, no Centrists, just Marxists, Anarcha-Feminists, Socialists, hell even a tankie once.

    The issue we have is that, especially since the 80’s, ‘centrists’ (with the directions of the Right-wing) have tried to make it seem like there’s something ‘extreme’ about the Left-wing. Like there’s some sort of thing to fear, some sort of spooky hidden agenda. The reality is that they can pretend the Soviet government and it’s progroms or the CCP and it’s Uyghur massacre are somehow ‘left-wing,’ and not authoritarian and conservative. Wanting to ‘keep things as they are/have in and out groups’ is a core tenet of Conservatism, which is right-wing. The reality on the left is all of our infighting is about the hows and not the whats. Any infighting the Right has is about the what’s and not the hows. They don’t care how they pay less in taxes, they want to pay less in taxes. They don’t care how they get their religion made into law, just that it happens. They don’t care who gets deported, so long as it’s not them and ‘gets it done.’ They are complete and total amorality, with a singular objective of more for themselves.

    Our issue on the left is one of organization (which, as part of an assembly, I have seen live quite a lot) and choosing a path forward. We all know we want to protect 2SLGBTQIA+ people. We all know we want to protect women, children, the unhoused. Do we work with the government, like the Social Democrats want? Do we burn it all down, and rebuild smaller communities, like the Anarchists want? Do we simply reject capitalism, build our communes, and work together there?

    Unfortunately right now those are objectives in the far future. We need to survive to that point, and right now, we’re losing. The left in the US hasn’t been something a government would fear to cross since the 70’s. If it should rise up, if it should finally admit that violence is going to happen whether we want it or not, and we have to meet it with violence in return, then we will see change. If Americans follow this guide and make it impossible for Trumps fascist regime to do what they want, then we have a chance. Yet if they don’t, the rest of the world is in for an extremely bad time. We tried voting, we tried peaceful marching, we tried peaceful protests, we tried begging, pleading with them. Our children begged us to stop killing the planet and their very futures, and we refused. The social contract was broken.

    What will you do, America? Will you watch yourselves go through what Germany did in the 1930’s, on the back of a climate that is going to absolutely be hell for our children, and their children? When do you stand up and refuse to watch? When do you stand up, and do offline what you do online?

    I want so very much to believe you’ll fight.

    I am so sad that many of us will have to die defending people who can’t defend themselves, or shouldn’t have to. I plan to die that way, whether taking a bullet for a young girl protesting for her bodily autonomy, a beating meant for an unhoused person who just wants to survive, or a baton meant for a young man in transition who just wants to be left alone. I love you all. <3

    • supersquirrel
      1 month ago

      If Americans follow this guide

      …did you get that from Pig Bodine?

      Our issue on the left is one of organization (which, as part of an assembly, I have seen live quite a lot) and choosing a path forward. We all know we want to protect 2SLGBTQIA+ people. We all know we want to protect women, children, the unhoused. Do we work with the government, like the Social Democrats want? Do we burn it all down, and rebuild smaller communities, like the Anarchists want? Do we simply reject capitalism, build our communes, and work together there?

      The answer to all of the above is yes I said yes I will Yes.

      a longer answer

      Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive, and for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me. There was a padlock and a chain upon the gate. I called in my dream to the lodgekeeper, and had no answer, and peering closer through the rusted spokes of the gate I saw that the lodge was uninhabited.

      No smoke came from the chimney, and the little lattice windows gaped forlorn. Then, like all dreamers, I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers and passed like a spirit through the barrier before me. The drive wound away in front of me, twisting and turning as it had always done, but as I advanced I was aware that a change had come upon it; it was narrow and unkept, not the drive that we had known.

      At first I was puzzled and did not understand, and it was only when I bent my head to avoid the low swinging branch of a tree that I realised what had happened. Nature had come into her own again and, little by little, in her stealthy, insidious way had encroached upon the drive with long, tenacious fingers. The woods, always a menace even in the past, had triumphed in the end.

      They crowded, dark and uncontrolled, to the borders of the drive. The beeches with white, naked limbs leant close to one another, their branches intermingled in a strange embrace, making a vault above my head like the archway of a church. And there were other trees as well, trees that I did not recognise, squat oaks and tortured elms that straggled cheek by jowl with the beeches, and had thrust themselves out of the quiet earth, along with monster shrubs and plants, none of which I remembered.

      The drive was a ribbon now, a thread of its former self, with gravel surface gone, and choked with grass and moss. The trees had thrown out low branches, making an impediment to progress; the gnarled roots looked like skeleton claws. Scattered here and again amongst this jungle growth I would recognise shrubs that had been landmarks in our time, things of culture and of grace, hydrangeas whose blue heads had been famous. No hand had checked their progress, and they had gone native now, rearing to monster height without a bloom, black and ugly as the nameless parasites that grew beside them.