If one defines right-wing as pro-hierarchy, thus putting figures like Stalin as right-wing authoritarians, then you can still have left-wing authoritarianism by non-hierarchal enforcement of conformity and injustice. It’s a much harder thing to sustain on scale, though.
I love how you idiots don’t even understand that the authority to libertarianism spectrum is the up down Axis and economic structure defines the left right axis.
we understand what the chart is trying to say. we just fundamentally disagree that you can map out an amassment of physical power and an amassment of economic power on two different axes when any coalescing of power, be that soft or hard, is still violence against us, the working class. just cause you give me some bread isn’t going to make me forget that you starved a country and shot my wife. and just because you hired mercanaries to beat me up for being on land you wanted doesn’t mean you didn’t abuse some form of power to do it. 3/4 quandrants of the chart are authoritarian in nature. they just wear different hats
veneration of hierarchy is an inherently right wing trait.
The Authoritarian left exists in the same was Anarcho Capitalism does.
It fucking doesn’t.
If one defines right-wing as pro-hierarchy, thus putting figures like Stalin as right-wing authoritarians, then you can still have left-wing authoritarianism by non-hierarchal enforcement of conformity and injustice. It’s a much harder thing to sustain on scale, though.
Yes, this sounds like a very real thing worth talking about. \s
Guess the USSR wasnt left then
I love how you idiots don’t even understand that the authority to libertarianism spectrum is the up down Axis and economic structure defines the left right axis.
we understand what the chart is trying to say. we just fundamentally disagree that you can map out an amassment of physical power and an amassment of economic power on two different axes when any coalescing of power, be that soft or hard, is still violence against us, the working class. just cause you give me some bread isn’t going to make me forget that you starved a country and shot my wife. and just because you hired mercanaries to beat me up for being on land you wanted doesn’t mean you didn’t abuse some form of power to do it. 3/4 quandrants of the chart are authoritarian in nature. they just wear different hats