it still is probably. Never forget the empty store shelves during COVID were Biden’s fault, too, even before the election. “This is Biden’s America” shrieked the boomers as they filled three shopping carts with enough toilet paper to pass down to their grandchildren if they didn’t have to light it on fire to stay warm later that winter in Texas.
That reminds me of when people show pictures of slums or empty shelves and claim that’s the result of communism or socialism when it’s literally the result of capitalism
Trump was in office, no one was blaming Biden for anything, yet. I remember some stupid memes with empty shelves and “this is what it will be like under the Democrats”.
Or “this is what communism will look like” under a photo of empty grocery shelves taken in an American supermarket.
Uh, this is literally America under a Trump administration. Just wait till it collapses further. The mind boggles.
Anecdotally, I remember plenty of people blaming Biden for the United States’ bungled response to COVID despite him not being president at the time. Ask people who was president in 2020 and a lot will mistakenly say Biden.
Same for Katrina and Obama.
Hell I’ve heard people try to blame the 2008 recession on Obama
Where was Obama on 9/11!?!?
Lol that was a Trump campaign ad that did that
Give 'em a week and they’ll find a way to blame Biden or Kamala for the bird flu
To be fair it’s not like they did anything to stop it
Like what? We want cheap eggs, they’ve got to be factory farmed at immense scale. Then bird flu hits and we have to cull 100,000,000 chickens. Bouncing chicken and egg prices are the new normal.
Just buy local. Less likely to have disease as they are not factory farmed. Dude lives next door and literally hands out eggs for free cause they lay shit loads and no one will buy them. Hell just raise your own chickens
Supply and Demand doesn’t end when you go to the local farm. People that are demanding cheaper prices from small farms are killing those farms. Do you think the small farms get their inputs for a cheaper price then the factory farms?
Sure, I’ll raise chickens in my apartment. What could possibly go wrong?
I’m talking about not having monitoring infrastructure in place and mandatory reporting. Trumps been in office not even a week this is totally on biden.
I was referring to bird flu not the price or availability of eggs.
edit - wow, the downvotes. Liberal la la land strikes again. Bird flu has been circulating around american agriculture and it’s workers for quite some time and it’s like the biden admin learned nothing from covid other than trumps policy of pretending nothings wrong. Fucking insane. The DNC shillbots of lemmy world strike again!
You shoved so many “libtard” type buzzwords in your goofy ass comment it’s hard to ever take you seriously even if you were saying something salient. Just FYI
As an anarchist I think the liberals are a fucking joke and a bad one at that. Liberals can’t fathom a world that exists outside of their narrow red-blue spectrum.
Also I’d love to know what in these specific comments have anything “libtard” about it. The biden admins approach to bird flu was to pretend it essentially didn’t exist but without the right wing level of denial. Whole lot of downplay.
My comments about liberals in general comes from the perspective of a queer woman who has watched the democrats DO NOTHING FOR THE PAST 25 YEARS TO STOP FASCISM AND ARE COMPLACENT AND COMPLICIT IN ITS RISE. take that liberals. How’s vote blue no matter who working for ya??? People like me are now in the crosshairs because liberals rather lose to fascists than upset capitalists.
deleted by creator
“Liberals can’t fathom a world that exists outside of their narrow red-blue spectrum.”
“You sound just like somebody on the red team!”
Strawman. I fucking hate the fascists and those who led us to them - the liberals.
Both are the party of capitalism, imperialism, endless war, fucking over the poor and working class.
Not doing enough is not the same as doing nothing.
Look at how much was done on day fucking one of “Trump’s America” and know how much bullshit they were holding back.
Is the party largely corrupt and ineffectual at effecting long-standing change? Sure. But they’re also not actively seeking the destruction of everything “weird” their opponents blame for all things awful that goes on in the world.
The most important thing they haven’t done is stop the conditions that led to trumps rise. Stop trump via the j6 investigation. It’s almost like they’re doing it on purpose at this point.
Biden has no more control to limit bird flu then is already happening and neither does Trump.
The point of the post wasn’t to lay the blame of bird flu on Trump, but point out the media manipulation that Fox is doing on behalf of Trump.
He could of mandated testing in agriculture, wastewater, contact tracing of agriculture workers, etc. Obama had a whole robust pandemic response planned just in case because bird flu is nothing new and it was always a question of if rather than when but after the politicization of covid biden decided that doing any kind of prep for it is a political third rail which is absolute fucking insanity. I mean the CDC was still pretending covid is droplets and not airborne! Barely any public communication about masking and all about hand washing, and when there was anything about masking it was always useless baggy blue diaper surgical masks that don’t do shit instead of proper fitting n95s that actually work.
They don’t give a shit. The vaccines are profitable, screw cheap physical prevention. Stock line must go up!
You’re a few years out of date on recommended covid practices. Well, there are no covid practices anymore, so maybe not.
I’m talking about current messaging. I knew from day one they were lying through their teeth about it not being airborne and not needing masks.
Oh well. I guess liberals will get to be gleefully blaming trump for bird flu when it inevitably becomes a human pandemic despite the fact that biden was 100% complicit in not stopping its spread.
Who did you vote for?
De la Cruz.
Congrats helping Republicans win. You’re also responsible for this along with MAGAts.
Also, I’m going to block you so have fun screaming in the void when you reply.
On behalf of every trans person in America: go fuck yourself.
Wow, you speak for all trans people? How did you get that job?
By not being a piece of shit that puts their own superiority complex over doing the right thing.
On behalf of the queer gender conforming antizionist jew you’re speaking to, go fuck yourself shit lib. The genocide is coming for us all.
You don’t speak for all queer people.
Lmao I’m sure youre proud you are man Donald has already undone what little Biden did to stop Israel. And that the party of “Jewish space lasers” is in power again.
I speak for every queer person with a conscience and more than 2 braincells.
I’m sure you’re proud to vote for a genocider. You’ll be next, me too. Genocide needs to be fought not appeased, Weimar Republic lib.
The COVID protesters near me have switched their banners to say that bird flu is fake now.
I literally saw someone yesterday! I’m in Canada, so they are a bit rarer, but the slogans are the same. The highlight of the numerous bumper stickers was, “Mainstream Media is the Virus”, and my favorite writing on the car rear windshield was about how the bird flu was fake.
I tried staring them down, but they were (unsurprisingly) oblivious.
This is Trumps America
So jazzed that we all are now able to exercise our American Freedom to pay double for eggs, die from bird flu, and hate people specifically because of their perceived sex organs. Truly how God intended it.
Can’t believe Brandon’s last executive order was to give the chickens flu!!
^this is a clown comment^
People are still acting like those who voted for Trump have any shame at all. They don’t give a shit, and they will piss on your grave if they have the occasion to do so.
Start treating them like the scum of the earth they are.
A shortage AND expensive; Oh Donald, you didn’t had to.
How many eggs does Biden eat geez
Need to be petty an get a bunch of “I did that” stickers with trump on them, see how they like it
No worries! Trump is bringing all the bird flu back!
I was a huge Meidas Touch Network viewer until the election, when I decided to abandon my faith in educated, rational analyses predicting what psycho America is going to do next. I’ll probably start watching again after a year or two, assuming non-MAGA content still exists and we’re all still here.
Biden did keep FDA, and agriculture department, who suggest not selling chickens dead from flu or pretending there is no avian flu. The people I know who were angry about anything covid, are certain that Avian flu is fake so that the government can control them through pointless annoyances.
Who the hell cares?
Ugh. The only thing worse than images of social media from other platforms is images of social media from other platforms including an “influencer” from that other platform. The best thing about the death of Twitter could have been the end of all those Twitter influencers. But no, people want to keep following them on a new platform. Why? Because of “insight” like this?
maybe they wanted the viewers to imagine something like this:
Just gonna drop this here.
before the rabid libs start piling up in the replies no, he’s not the sole reason why this happened but this is the result of declaring COVID over when it was very much not over, discouraging PPE in public spaces, ending free healthcare for COVID and popularizing the “return to normal” ideology as thousands of people are dying.