Billionaire former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Thursday that his foundation would fund the UN climate change agency after President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement.…
Lol, Bloomberg never even finished paying his campaign staff last time I checked, this ain’t any kind of rescue.
"It was read off a script from HR, and then it was like, ‘Goodbye, you can hang up now,’ " she said in an interview. “It was a low blow. I felt very used and very kicked to the curb, after all that I had given to the campaign in the short time that I did work for it.”
Asked how he feels now about the assurances he made as a recruiter to potential staffers, Jethwani said, “Mike borrowed my credibility and abused it in that moment.”
Lol, Bloomberg never even finished paying his campaign staff last time I checked, this ain’t any kind of rescue.