Palms were offline devices that only synced with your computer when put on a docking station.
You could read and reply to emails offline, book or cancel meetings, and sync with your computer later. The latest versions allowed you to snap pictures and listen to your music.
No servers running constantly. No data spilled everywhere. Days worth of battery on a single charge.
The future stole our cables, and it took our attention span and our privacy with it.
#privacy #offline #data
I had a Visor from Handspring. Very fond memories.
I had one of these. I loves the submarine game that was on them.
My mom had one of these! They worked really well and I’d love to have one now
Come join a server of people keeping the Palm dream alive :)
@thibaultamartin The convenience which more modern devices provided was effectively a one-way street. In essence, virtually nobody wants to go back to a less-convenient way of doing things. Alas, human nature is just like that.
Standards are easy to raise, but hard to lower. That device you suggest had 2MB of RAM. Nobody can make a gadget like that any longer, feature-for-feature, because 2MB of RAM is nowhere enough now. My Raspberry Pi with 2GB - not 2MB - of RAM, is hardly sufficient to even run a web browser (the OOM daemon aggressively kills the web browser).
Even a wifi router needs 8MB of ROM at the very least least to “play ball” these days, to run #OpenWRT. More like 16MB for any degree of comfort.