Ammo Scavenger is a Tier 1 Spirit item
- Tier: 1
- Cost:
- +15% Ammo
- +40 Bonus Health
- Passive: Any time you secure or deny a Soul you get ammo back and gain stacking Spirit Power.
- 2 Ammo Per Soul
- 1 Spirit Power Per Soul (conditional)
- 30s Spirit Power Duration
- 20 Max Stacks
- Neutral kills count as soul capture
Edit: the wiki is out of date and missing that while at max stacks you gain +2 Sprint.
Couple thoughts as a Wraith main:
The ammo + spirit ammo is a really good combo for some characters like wraith.
The 2 main risks are:
I’m thinking of putting it back in my build to free up a gun slot (removing basic mag) but haven’t done it yet since I’d need to switch a mid/late game item to replace titanic mag.