Global warming is moving faster than the best models can keep a handle on

Weren’t there a whole bunch of hot models that were discarded becase they were “too scary” ?

    2 months ago

    Well you’d have to keep in mind those new AI systems will tell us the solution to global warming!

    We will go like: “Hello ChatGPT, how can we prevent global warming?” And it will go like: “Dude wth, turn off all these power hungry AI systems, are you stupid?” Us: “And go back to creating my own PowerPoints? No thank you, any other solution?” Chat: “Well maybe stop this insane consumption rate? Do people really need all this junk? Make stuff that lasts and don’t replace it all the time.” Us: “Nah man, we need to consume otherwise the profits will go down. You see number must always go up.” Chat: “Well I see a very lobsided distribution of wealth and resources. If you could free up those resources, you could perhaps soften some of the impact of global warming.” Us: “Give up my monies? We can’t give up the monies, it is precious to us.”

    Alright guys, this model also has no clue how to fix global warming, must not be smart enough. Get that new model training ASAP, it needs to be at least twice as big. And maybe if we power it through coal instead of green energy, it will have an understanding of global warming in its soul.