• kerrigan778@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Honestly shotgun for home defense is not necessarily good advice for many people, racking it to scare people away is terrible advice too, don’t give away your location and give up the element of surprise. If they know people are in the house they are invading, assume lethal force is already on the table and don’t give them a chance to point and shoot, even if it doesn’t hit you it could hit a bystander. Shotguns with buckshot are very heavy recoiling and have serious risk of sending stray pellets through walls and potentially other people, you need to take ownership of the potential of every shot to end a life and a shotgun shoots 9 shots at once in a cone, it’s not aiming easy mode unless you live alone in a house with nothing around it and even then the spread isn’t enough that you don’t have to aim decently.