Curious of the ways you are avoiding buying mass-produced junk as gifts for people this holiday season. Share your ideas and tips, what you make or do, or how you otherwise partake of the joys of togetherness this time of year, without consuming for the sake of consumption.

    2 months ago

    My strategy for this year was to keep a text file on my phone where I kept a list of the people I intended to buy gifts for. Throughout the year whenever a good gift idea occurred to me I’d update the list. While this might not be what you had in mind as avoiding consumption, my plan was to give a gift that was useful as well as thoughtful. I don’t want to give someone a cheap blob of plastic that will end up in the trash by the end of the month just to check a name off my list. I did buy one gift certificate for a locally owned microbrewery. In years past I’ve made Christmas ornaments that were tailored to the recipient but no good ideas came to me this year