Hi, as title says. Seeing how the the gene seed are supposed to be tested regularly by the admech for mutation / chaos corruption, shouldn’t it be super easy to run a quick analysis from a gene seed dna sample to and get a match that way ?

I get that 10000 years is a long time, but some dna material from the primarchs has to still be in there for the space marine making process to work right ? For the same reason the blood angels successor chapters still have the red thirst inherited from sanguinus.


  • Omnificer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t know of any supporting evidence, but it’s possible some of these Chapters are operating under a polite fiction. These Chapters could be from Traitor Legions, but proved themselves loyal beyond a doubt. The powers that be pretend the Primarchs are unknown to keep these Chapters, instead of purging them.

    There is also a chance that a Geneseed pool can mutate enough (possibly even intentionally) to not be clearly tied to a Primarch, without being so mutated as to fail the genetic testing.

    Both options are speculation on my part.

    • KillerSpacePotatoes@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      Kinda like how the Blood Ravens found artifacts relating to their past on Kronus but were so horrified by what the found that they just destroyed them IIRC.