I’m so tired of AI bullshit getting shoved into everything.
It’s the great flood of (miss)information, drowning out truth, and AI is only making it worse. People have forgotten how truth is generated and why it is valuable. This will continue untill people adapt to the new reality that information (AI) is not the same thing as truth. And people being people… they will only adapt and learn after a lot of people get hurt.
I think the conspiracy is leaking prematurely.
Lol, Apple thinks it’s user base is annoyed by the length and subtilty of headlines. AI to the rescue!
I only have a basic knowledge of tech, but surely something as simple as sending summarised news headlines, from whatever sources, could be easily managed by I dunno, a human?
Is AI really necessary here?
Apple already had a summary service that’s been in the OS for over ten years. Not sure why they decided they needed to use AI to fuck this up.