Here’s an interesting article about the same musician:

Relevant paragraph:

Woody Guthrie’s guitar didn’t kill fascists because it fired bullets. It killed by neutralizing the fascists. Music, like culture, has the power to defeat right-wing extremists and their antidemocratic ideas rooted in xenophobia, racism, homophobia and sexism. Guthrie fought using ideas, language, music and the shared desire to build a better future together.

    3 months ago

    Shipping out to Boston is not even forgotten in the taperoom - in all likelihood Guthrie never recorded it.

    There’s a bunch of songs Guthrie wrote but never recorded. His estate keeps track of all of them, recorded or not, on

    Wilco teamed up with singer Billy Bragg to release three volumes of previously unreleased Guthrie songs under the title Mermaid Avenue. They’re amazing albums.

    One of the most interesting songs, and related to this post, is titled “All You Fascists”. After the release of the Wilco version in 2000, they discovered a wartime Guthrie recording from the BBC, so we now have access to the original as well. But the cover version was released first.

    The whole Mermaid Avenue series is worth a spin. Lots of fun upbeat stuff as well, not only about defeating fascism.