Hi, I’m focusing on generating content for a few communities that I feel can be successful and have less content than I expected:

EDIT: I did not create any of those communities

I would encourage anyone to participate if you like those topics.

Do you know any other niche-but-not-too-niche communities in which we could focus efforts?
Please, don’t post very long lists, I’m already subscribed to almost 300 communities and the idea is to focus on a few ones.


EDIT: Added descriptions for each community.

  • Valmond@lemmy.mindoki.com
    2 years ago

    Thank you, 3 out of 4 interested me so I subbed :-)

    I got only one on my own server, low posting, starting out with the legendary Gir “Moebius” works !moebius_art@lemmy.mindoki.com and I’m working on one for “artistes en herbe” (artists on uh grass? It means us, people who like and try and have fun creating)

    Cheers and long live Lemmy and the fediverse!