Where I’m from, 2m band seems to be popular due to the small antenna requirement. The fact we’re in densely populated area probably also play a role.
There should be the 70cm band as well, but I haven’t seen any sign of life around here.
Where I’m from, 2m band seems to be popular due to the small antenna requirement. The fact we’re in densely populated area probably also play a role.
There should be the 70cm band as well, but I haven’t seen any sign of life around here.
I usually listen in on the 2m band because it’s fun hearing the crazy folks in W6NUT ramble on. It’s like a ham 4chan.
What’s W6NUT?
It’s a 2m repeater in the LA area where the hams that go in don’t declare their call signs say racist things and talk shit to each other.
Sorry for the Reddit link but they’re better at explaining it:
that’s crazy