Hi! I apologize in advance if this is not the place for such posts.

I have recently happened upon descriptions of anarchism and its core ideas and, to my surprise, realized that I very much agree with all that I read. I would like to figure out what can I do to at least make an attempt to change the world into this direction.

Thing is, I grew up and currently live in Ukraine. I’m not sure what can I even do when my country is in a state of war, especially considering I’d rather not stick around in public places too much (being a guy and all).

Are there any online communities for Ukrainian anarchists that anyone knows of? I would also welcome any materials you think would be useful to study for someone new to anarchists’ ideas

Thank you for reading this!

  • obscur_e@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Try to figure out what you would like/enjoy to do and try to combine it with something that you would find be helpful or useful. There are plenty of queer anarchists in ukraine, you might want to look that direction since they probably not cooperating with state. If you want reading there is https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index There are plenty of anarchist groups in fediverse and telegram too. Ask if something more specific is needed. Anarchist movement is very diverse