This is what happens when successive US governments fail to tackle inequality. While millions of people live in poverty, a handful grow unimaginably rich. Wealth begets wealth, and they acquire political power to match. It was inevitable that one of them – now the richest man on Earth – would launch what looks like a bid for world domination…

      4 months ago

      The Tesla model S came out in 2012. I just remember that when Musk made that tweet, I’d already identified Musk as a conman.
      But I don’t remember anything in particular that stood out as much before that tweet. Except he had already failed on his promise on FSD, with little to show it was even close. I also remember identifying him as an introvert narcissist. Which is kind of an oxymoron, but nonetheless describes his public social conduct.

      If you are old, do you remember Lee Iacocca (Chrysler)? Or Jack Tramiel (Commodore)?
      Those were stellar businessmen and CEOs, that were geniuses without being narcissistic sociopaths.
      Those were true role models. 😀