What makes you think you matter? You don’t. Sure you have a small group of people that like you, but I don’t like you because I don’t know you. The person walking down the street doesn’t care about you. You talk tough and that’s it. You’re irrelevant to the grand scheme. When the earth begins to burn you’re going to burn along with the vast majority of the rest of the world. No one cares. You want to hate, fine. Do it. Where does that get you at the end of the day? No where. And you will continue being nothing to so many people. Stamp your feet, scream, cry. Do whatever you have to do. It will change nothing. You can change nothing. Regardless of how hard you try to impact people, you never will. And why is that? Because you’re irrelevant. You’re dissatisfied with everything and everyone around you because you can never be satisfied and that makes you miserable. So what do you do? You share your misery. You do the same exact thing that’s been done to you so many times, but that’s ok right? Because it’s not your fault right? Everyone screams for change, but all we do is the same things over and over again. So if that’s the case, why does it matter? Why do you matter? Whit makes you and your thoughts more important than the next person? You’re not good enough because no one is good enough and no one ever will be.

What I find the funniest is blaming everything around you as being wrong, you’re surrounded by bad people and enemies, yet you never question whether you’re the problem. Don’t worry about it though because it’s a new minute so I’m sure you have something new to hate

  • Kantiberl@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Everything you do has a significant impact. When you take care of yourself, love yourself, and proactively change what’s in your control, you inspire those around you. Your actions shape their behavior and perspective. But if you let your hardships get the best of you and you start to harbor resentment towards the world, it negatively affects EVERYTHING in the world. This negative mindset spreads, bringing down not just you, but those around too. Hell, it affects the animals and plants that you come across. Just the pheromones you emit and the way you walk changes peoples paths and their thoughts. Your actions matter. They have consequences. I’m typing this response quickly to balance out your negative post, and it’s making me late for work. It’s time to get your act together. Only you can change your situation. Try to become proficient at something and make a positive contribution to society. Good luck, everything you need to improve is already within you. Just follow your heart, and don’t overthink. Love yourself and you’ll love the world too.