3 gallons from one hive. My second hive swarmed, so not enough honey to harvest yet. The third hive I’m harvesting this week for honeycomb.
Why is some light but some darker?
The honey gets stored by the bees over months. Different pollen sources are available at different times, so it looks different in different places in the hive. I use a type of frame that let’s me harvest each frame individually, so the different colors don’t get all blended together.
That’s where my question comes from, some flowers (wildflowers, fir trees…) make way darker honey than typical summer flowers for example. Rapeseed flowers produce almost white, very solid honey.
Was that one single harvest, or one hive harvested throughout one season?
I’m so hurt from the internet, honey was not the first thing my mind went to when I saw the photograph.
Those bees could stand to drink a lot more water.