Just out of curiosity: is anyone here using Love2D and Lua for game development? I have some experience with Unity but sometime ago started learning Love2D. Lua seems to very simple language to code in and since Love2D doesn’t have any graphical UI it sort of forces you to make everything work through code. As a beginner hobbyists, I really love this.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about Love2D and what it’s capable of. Currently I am interested in doing asmall Snake-like puzzle game and a demo for classic Ultima type crpg. Not really full games, but I am sort of interested in seeing how well certain concepts and ideas work in practice. Lua seems to be very good for doing just that.

  • the_lone_wolf@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I like it. I am learning it now! You can even develop it on android if you are out of home without your laptop, here how i develop on android with termux app.

    #start love2d with commandline alias run=“am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d content://com.mixplorer.file/525!/projects/Love/game.love org.love2d.android/org.love2d.android.GameActivity”

    make .love file with command line $zip -9 game.love *lua

    now run it $run

    • Nukemin HerttuaOP
      1 year ago

      Wow, that’s nice!

      I’d like to be learning more, but since I’m busy with work and family there’s not many hours to put in each week. I am new to coding so it doesn’t help much but I hope I’ll get there eventually. Cheers!

  • lungdart@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    I’ve used it, but I’m not a big fan of LUA.

    Any game engine can be used to make what you’re describing these days. Love2d won’t push the envelope, but you don’t need it to.

    That being said I feel you could whip those up faster in Godot. If you just want to play though, it’s a fine choice.

    • Nukemin HerttuaOP
      2 years ago

      Thank you for your input. I was weighting both Love2D and Godot but simplicity won. Maybe after I’ll get bored with this I’ll try Godot.