Created by Jonathan Nolan. A seemingly procedural show that also deals with privacy and sentient AIs and espionage. The series centers on a millionaire geeky dude that developed a computer program that can predict terrorist acts, crime and the like (with some limitations), and his pal, a former Special Forces dude who tries to prevent such events.

The show was super relevant back in the day with all the Snowden, Assange, surveillance and privacy stuff going on. Also raises a lot of ethical issues about privacy, free will, etc.

The main cast are all winners and all have awesome character arcs. It has the NYPD, the CIA and even the Government and the mob. After 4 solid seasons, it was given a fifth and final season to wrap things up, and did it with a bang.

“This is AI done right!”


“This is like Batman, but the brains/money and brawn are two people, omg!”

  • The same dude.
    1 year ago

    Wow thank you! Actually I’m thinking maybe for whatever reason this just isn’t for me then. If I give it another shot I’ll jump straight to s2 and not try to pick up where I left off on s1. But the groundwork they laid isn’t enticing to me even knowing some key points now how complex it gets, I hoped spoilers would pique my interest and it didn’t. Thank you very much though you were really helpful actually. At least now if I try again I know how to adjust my expectations.