Time for some warm-and-fuzzies! What happy memories do you have from your early days of getting into computers/programming, whenever those early days happened to be?

When I was in middle school, I read an article in Discover Magazine about “artificial life” — computer simulations of biological systems. This sent me off on the path of trying to make a simulation of bugs that ran around and ate each other. My tool of choice was PowerBASIC, which was like QBasic except that it could compile to .EXE files. I decided there would be animals that could move, and plants that could also move. To implement a rule like “when the animal is near the plant, it will chase the plant,” I needed to compute distances between points given their x- and y-coordinates. I knew the Pythagorean theorem, and I realized that the line between the plant and the animal is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Tada: I had invented the distance formula!

  • Mii@awful.systems
    6 months ago

    I remember getting my first real computer (I had seen and occasionally played around with my aunt’s old Macintosh before and a neighbor’s kid had a C64) at some point in the early 90s. I think my father got it for work or something, can’t remember, but me, having had a Nintendo at home, was more interested in playing games. I asked my aunt if it’s the same as a Nintendo, meaning whether it also had Mario and stuff on it, and she told me, no, it’s better, because you can make your own games with it.

    So yeah, that was the moment I was hooked and I wanted to learn how to do that, which really wasn’t as easy as I thought it’d be because that machine, coming with some ancient version of MS DOS (or maybe IBM DOS, I really can’t remember) didn’t have any straightforward ways of guiding me through, nor did I have a good tutorial book or anything.

    It wasn’t until a while later that we got internet access at home (the computer had since been upgraded from DOS to Windows) and me discovering Usenet and online discussion groups that I really found useful information and discovered my love for programming (and other stuff, too, like comics and manga, and fan-fiction, lol). I never actually got around to making that game, though, because I was just toying around with doing basic math and getting stuff to print to the console, obviously. As you did, back in the day.

    I think another pivotal moment was when I first got my hands on an early version of Linux. That must’ve been the mid-to-late 90s, I think, and it was an image of SUSE Linux (now OpenSUSE) and I tried installing that on my computer – and holy shit, that was an experience, but I was hooked. Compared to DOS and Windows it was so much more fun because of all the stuff you could do with it. I tried all the stuff, went from SUSE to RedHat to Debian to Sorcerer (which I really liked), and finally to Gentoo just for the nerd cred. I’ve basically been running Linux ever since, with a brief Mac OS phase in-between when my grandma got me a used computer when I went to university which was one of the colorful Apple iBooks. I actually quite liked Mac OS for a while, especially early OS X, which seemed like a polished and very user-friendly UNIX with batteries included, but went back to Linux a few years later.

    These days I’m running Debian Stable though. Because even though I have nothing bad to say about Gentoo and learned a lot using it over the years, I just want my shit to work without getting my hands dirty too much (and my tinkering time goes into Emacs anyway).