Initially, this community was meant to be a collaborative space for Mods & Admins to work out documentation and guides for Admins, Mods, & Users.

As we work through guides, we’d submit them to be stored somewhere for consumption.

I still believe this is necessary. I propose we have two different post types in this community:

  1. Request for guide [RFP]
    • Someone has a request for a proposal for a guide. For example, “I need a guide for new moderators.”
    • A response would be a new post of type [RFC].
  2. Suggestion for guide [RFC]
    • Someone has a suggestion for an official guide. For example, “Here is how new moderators should be onboarded.”

Through the post’s comment section, once a reasonable majority approves of something, we create a new Pull Request in the official Lemmy Documentation to add the guide to a new section or an update to an existing section.

Further discussions can take place on the Pull Request. It will be up to the developers of Lemmy to approve and merge.

Let me know what you all think.

Thanks, Jason