Last November, I made a brief post to Facebook about Mastodon. Mastodon is an open-source and open social network, which is decentralized and all about user control instead of corporate control. I’ve blogged about Mastodon and the dangers of Facebook before, but rarely mentioned Mastodon on Facebook itself.

Today, I received this notice that Facebook had censored my post about Mastodon

    3 years ago

    I would say that’s a misconception.

    I was locked out of Facebook after posting cover images of comic books in a group dedicated to comic books. It was relevant content that people in the group wanted to see. There was nothing political in my posts. I’m sure I was targeted because I didn’t follow people or encourage followers. I was blocking certain annoying elements of the site with security plugins. Facebook deemed me to be a bot and made me answer about 6 Captchas in a row to prove I’m not. After successful completion, they locked me out of the site.

    Facebook is about collecting info on it’s users and manipulating them based up upon the info collected. Since they had no personal info on me (not even my real name), they fabricated false info about me. After being locked out of my account, I downloaded the info they did have on me. It was all fictitious data so they could sell info to advertisers. They are frauds. Scum of the Earth. They are pathological stalkers online and I feel their activities should be deemed criminal.

    Facebook censors by withholding content so you see can’t see it and blocking your posts so that others don’t see them. They profile users psychologically and they know whether their users are more likely to click an ad with a red background or a blue background.

    Twitter is no better. Twitter accused me of being a bot after I went into the settings and unchecked all the topics they had me flagged as being interested in. The only difference is that I sent an message to Twitter cussing them out. They apologized and restored access to my account.