• puppy@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    That’s a bad faith argument.

    This way of binary thinking also has a Capitalsm equivalent. Some say Capitalsm ALWAYS end up in neo-liberal economies and with late stage Capitalsm with oligarchs and the death of the free market. For example oligarchs control most of the US economy and most economic policies are put forward with lobbying money. Is has become increasingly harder to start a small business in the US, hence US citizens’ tendancy to romantacize the Europe. If you say that Socialist movements ALWAYS end up in dictatorships then Capitalist moves should ALWAYS end up in late stage Capitalsm and the death of the free market.

    In reality no contry is purely Capitalist or Socialist anymore. Otherwise the US wouldn’t put tariffs on Chinese cars to protect GM, Ford and now Tesla. A direct contradiction to free market policies. Meanwhile there isn’t a huge tariff especially for US cars in China. China ended up leaning towards Capitalism than before. Scandinavian countries absorbed a lof of leftist policies into their modern day government. Most of Vienna’s houses are government owned. Everyone has mixed policies because there are good in both Capitalist and Socialist principles. You just have to be implement whatever is good for the people and economy in a given climate.

    • Carrolade@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I did not say that socialism always results in dictatorship, though I can see how a quick reading of my wording could be misconstrued that way. I said I am not going to go into the history of it happening (sometimes), in all the cases that I witness someone making a certain argument.

      I just think you are inaccurately identifying my position and my arguments. But ultimately I do agree with you.

      • puppy@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Oh ok. Sorry for sounding a bit harsh but it did seem to me the way you mentioned.