I asked someone this question before and they said it was a really stupid question and I’m not sure why so thought I would ask it here…

What’s going to happen when AI becomes really advanced? Is there a plan for what all of the displaced people are going to do? Like for example administrative assistance, receptionist, cashiers, office workers, White collar people. Is there going to be some sort of retraining program of some sort to get people cross-trained into other careers like nursing or other careers that have not yet been automated? Or are people just going to lose their homes, be evicted and is there going to be like some sort of mass eviction and homelessness downstream effect because people can’t find any work?

  • Feathercrown@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    We don’t know, there is no plan. That plan is determined by policy, which will be set by the current politicians in office, which we can’t know ahead of time. Incidentally, this sort of thing is one reason why politics is so important!