Ever wanted Minecraft to be FOSS? I know I sure did, but of course Microsoft will never do that, so let us as the community create our own client! Together with Cuberite as the server you can have a completely FOSS Minecraft experience!

Still lots of work to do of course, but it’s promising!

  • Tmpod
    63 years ago

    Looks great, I’ll give it a try today!

    A quick suggestion though: looking at the repo’s README I see there’s no section explaining why it was forked from Stevenarella, when that project is still active (last commit 3 days ago). I think it would be nice to have a little paragraph with that info :)

  • @iortega@lemmy.eus
    3 years ago

    That’s really nice! Remember that until Leafish and Cuberite are completely ready there is already a minecraft alternative called Minetest. As I said, an ALTERNATIVE. It doesn’t work exactly as Minecraft, but is also really fun. Currently, much much less bloated than Minecraft imo (I really enjoy it).

    I actually made several memes a while ago about making Minecraft FOSS, so I’m really happy about this. And there is even Cuberite, which I didn’t know.

    This is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss. This client could replace all proprietary free minecraft clients and that way (much) more people could be aware of Free Software.

  • @glubunny
    33 years ago

    Why not support Minetest instead?

    • @lorabe@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      This is the nature of FLOSS, if you have the time and passion, why should you do what others say instead of what you want?

      It’s conflictive, but it’s the truth.