Hundreds. Crikey. Disney must be shitting their pants.
16K as of now
17k now.
So around 10K USD spent on each signature based of season 1’s budget. Claiming something “blew up” with 700 signatures the first 24h is just ridiculous.
I doubt Disney is willing to spend that kind of money on 17k dedicated fans.
Might get sued by Disney if they’re not careful.
Just let it go… Manny Jacinto was the only interesting character, and the concept that “Sith == Freedom to choose” was what made it so. Sadly, they didn’t really do anything with it
Disney/Star Wars needs to stop with all this “foundling is special and can save the universe” crap. we’ve seen it literally hundreds of times.
My gf and I were making fun of the terrible writing until the sith dude showed up shirtless and all of a sudden see liked it haha.
Just give us a Darth Plagueis series