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  • monknonoke@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Baka daw di na uli mag-rehire yung company sa aming position, which means baka kami ay mabawasan ng day off. Hahaha. They do know na alis din kami if they do that, yes? Tangina bahala kayo, basta kami ready to bounce under unfavorable conditions. It’s not worth it at that point 😛

    Late nga yung kasama ko so nag timezone na lang ako. I played a zombie shooting game for the first time. I’ve actually never really played those kinds of games sa arcade kasi parang natatakot ako sa baril (I know it’s a toy but like I never really understood how reloading works and then you got all these things wanting to kill you, nakaka panic kaya). And it always seemed like a boys game na never ko maiintindihan nung bata pa ako. It just seemed intimidating overall.

    It’s my trying new things era. Anyway gets ko na magreload 😆 parang tumaas yung bp ko nung nilaro ko. I was half-shouting while playing kasi ang dami and they’re so close tapos ako, ‘Aaaah!!! Stay away from me!’ goes brrr brrr brrr

    Ayun, natatawa lang ako sa sarili ko. Buti na lang ako lang ang witness because that was a rare moment of me freaking out like a girly girl. Masisira ang calm and cool mysterious image ko hshshfks