The scrote doesn’t care that he has made a boat load of cash at the expense of thousands of others. He doesn’t care about the thousands of businesses that have gone under because of him and his mates. But when he is hit in the pockets by having to move to a pleb account, then we get questioned in parliament and a plethora of front page headlines about how hard he is done by. When is he ever going to live up to the threats of “I am going to have to leave the UK”.

  • TheHalc
    2 years ago

    I’m one of the people who was forced to close bank accounts, and yeah, it was incredibly inconvenient. I wasn’t even able to resolve it overseas and had to travel to the UK to resolve it, being left unable to access my funds for months.

    I also think Farage is a self-serving dickhead who is turning the molehill of his own self-inflicted inconvenience into a mountain just to rile up his base.

    Still, is it really a realistic suggestion that he should be personally championing every cause that has come about as a result of Brexit? Sure, he bears a lot of responsibility for it happening and it’s fair to point out that others are suffering in similar ways due to his actions, but his core failings have nothing to do with the fact that he’s not championing those people.