” Ordinary people are taking matters into their own hands today to do what our criminal governments have failed to do. We are putting our bodies on the wheels of the machine of the global fossil economy and saying oil kills; we refuse to die for fossil fuels and we refuse to stand by while hundreds of millions of innocent people are murdered. We are in resistance against our murderous governments and the criminal elites who are threatening the survival of humanity.

“The climate crisis will not end until every single country has phased out fossil fuels, but those who bear the greatest responsibility and have the greatest capacity must do the most. As citizens of wealthy countries based in the global north, we demand that our governments stop extracting and burning oil, gas and coal by 2030 and that they support and finance other countries to make a fast, fair and just transition. They must sign a Fossil Fuel Treaty to end the war on humanity before we lose everything. “

  • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world
    2 个月前

    There isn’t. But why attack the voting public instead of the unvoting industry?

    Airlines produce considerable carbon per individual mile but are also one of the industries improving efficiency and fuel usage (because it’s so expensive). Meanwhile ocean liners and cruise ships burn the cheapest, most polluting fuel outside of national borders.

      • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world
        2 个月前

        Not a ban, a better way of doing things.

        Don’t hold one section of society responsible for overhauling the entire global system, but they can absolutely do better in their sphere of influence.

          • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world
            2 个月前

            Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.

            Expecting everything to overhaul at the same time and uproot embedded systems and culture overnight isn’t being driven, its foolish. Unless you plan on nuking most of the planet its just not going to happen.