Due to physical disability. The non disability welfare isn’t enough to cover rent. My disability makes my muscles weak and makes me get tired very easily.

Definitely interested in ‘radical’ solution like squatting. I’ve heard shelters are pretty bad in my area.

I have a storage locker which I’m using to keep a suitcase of clothes, but like half of it is prescription medication or over the counter meds like pain killers or things like my cane, which I sometimes need.

Tips i’ve found:

It’s easier to get a specific item than to get enough money for a specific item. Flying a sign that says “I’m freezing my fucking ass off” will get you a coat pretty quick. People find it easier to part with extra stuff than extra money.

Otherwise, if you have a support structure in place, now’s the time to start using it. Offer your friends services or assistance, in exchange for things you need. I couch-surfed and stayed fed by doing handiwork for my friends.

If you have a support structure in place, now’s the time to start using it. Offer your friends services or assistance, in exchange for things you need. I couch-surfed and stayed fed by doing handiwork for my friends.

  • DBGamer@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Please don’t squat, you might “win” in the short run but you will get charges sooner or later.

    Instead seek local organizations and churches who might be able to point you in the right directions and/or provide you assistance.

    And in place of panhandling for cash (if it allowed), you might get better luck if you simply ask for donation(s) for what you are needing (i.e. food instead of money to get said food). To me it’s more understanding if a person on the streets ask for some bread than if they looking for $3 to get a loaf.

      • Jeffrey@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        They don’t usually imprison panhandlers / public campers. At best what they do is send a few police officers, social workers, and a chartered bus and they say “collect your things and we will take you anywhere within 25mi, no questions asked.” At worst they will send 2 police officers to force the person to move.

      • DBGamer@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Find housing for humanity based organizations, they might be able to assist getting you housed. If you don’t understand of any, try asking around to understanding HOW to get such assistance in your area.

        • stopit@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          What punishment could they do to panhandlers? :p Fine them? no money. Imprison them? Prison costs like 30 000$/inmate.

          some localities in California actually criminalize homelessness…US is a weird place sometimes.