The game in this screenshot is Alan Wake
Please don’t take selfies with the depressed bear.
What a great coincidence. The post was right below it for me too
Looks more like he’s high to me
Reference too new, handshake rejected.
TBH This might be a good enough idea to merit a whole community of people just posting singular cool screenshots of games they are playing. Could be a cool low-effort visual way to document what folks are into at the moment. Kind of like a visual version of those ‘what are you playing’ weekly threads that used to be everywhere.
There is ! but it’s dead.
E: Ok, it’s not dead. I must have confused it with a different community.
Not exactly what I was thinking of but still worth a sub!
It would be awesome to see what other people are playing through screenshots. I wouldn’t mind seeing more people share their screenshots, whether as their own post or piggy backing off of mine
“Uh, excuse me sir, sorry to bother you, but do you have any salmon you could spare?”
I finished this not long ago on my steam deck. The story was engaging but the gameplay was a bit of a slog. Had to push myself to finish it but was probably worth it in the end.
I felt the same way, enjoyed the narrative of the first but the action felt like a bit of a chore after a while. The second one is a lot more fun from a gameplay perspective, in my opinion. Just be warned that it is pretty demanding for the steam deck
It’s quite far down my list but will pick it up someday and probably play it via moonlight then if it’s too much for the deck.
I replay this game annually on my Steam deck. One of my Top 3 games of All time. The gameplay was definitely one of my favorite parts along with the story. But I can see why it wouldn’t be for everyone with how unusual it is sometimes. Have you played the second one? It goes much closer too a traditional survival horror game then the first with gameplay
I didn’t play it when it came out so it’s not carried by nostalgia (like the old Resident Evil games which have also aged badly but I still do enjoy). Will give the second one a go someday. If it’s anything like the RE remakes I’ll probably enjoy it.
I will say that I’ve only played the RE2 remake, but the entire time I was going through Alan Wake II the gameplay very reminiscent of that (at least imo)
The first game is more of an interactive movie than anything. The kind of game you play on the easiest difficulty. But at least the story is engaging. Keeps you at the edge of your seat the entire time.
Alan Wake 2—on the other hand—not so much. The story is boring and dare I complain that it has too much gameplay. It feels more like a completely different franchise than a sequel. I have severe ADHD so I’m not a fan. They overcomplicated everything and removed the waypoint; I found myself constantly having to pause the game every 30 seconds or so to orient myself, and most of the time I forget what I was supposed to be doing in the first place.
People with normal brains will probably enjoy Al 2 way more than the original, but it’s not for me.
You might enjoy Bramble: The Mountain King then. It’s basically a walking simulator with a good (and spooky) atmosphere and a couple of simple puzzles sprinkled in.
I viewed “let’s play” series of Alan Wake 1 and 2. Just wanna share my thoughts re AW2. There are spoilers below.
So much reading. Yes, you can skip a lot of those. Yes, the title is Alan Wake 2 and Wake is a writer. But a gamer who very much dislikes reading may be turned off or think “I may be missing much by skipping most of the reading, so I’ll drop this game.”
It seems Alice is alive. So she’s been living sans Alan for 13 years minimum. Extremely :(. I wanted a :) end for them. I can imagine an AW2 where the year is 2013 instead of 2023, and Alan was able to escape the “dark place” in 2013 and live with Alice happily. The writer (I dislike Sam Lake’s writing so I’m not saying Sam Lake) can figure out the plot gymnastics in between to make the game so interesting.
Scratch slew Jaakko Koskela so easyyy. So powerful. He could just slay Anderson, Casey, Cult of the tree and the Fbc at the start.
The Fbc’s light arrays placed far from each other outside the sheriff’s station were plot convenience.
Anderson aided Wake with writing the end despite Wake inserting Logan and David in the tale. 😑
Sarah and Barry were sidelined. :(
Sam Lake most likely disliked a fairy-tale :) end for AW2 but don’t say “In horror, the hero must pay a price to save his pals.” (or something like that) like it’s a rule.
It’s’s best 2023 game but it’s 👎 for me.
Medieval Dynasty?
Looks like the first Alan wick to me