For eight years, Donald Trump has managed to secure the support of many evangelical and conservative Christians despite behavior that has often seemed at odds with teachings espoused by Christ in the Gospels.
Maybe as far as the shock value but imo they are completely different. The bible verse is about absolute surrender to the christian god, where anything you might value as highly as god should be made lesser than him in your mind.
It seems like “kill the buddha” has the opposite intent, aggressively reject all notions of “other” or “authority” etc 14%3A26&version=NIV
Sounds like;jsessionid=AC2B8A10B21BE51F1FB06822204746E1#:~:text=kill the Arhat%3B if you,47%2C p.
Maybe as far as the shock value but imo they are completely different. The bible verse is about absolute surrender to the christian god, where anything you might value as highly as god should be made lesser than him in your mind.
It seems like “kill the buddha” has the opposite intent, aggressively reject all notions of “other” or “authority” etc