I came across a few comments and topics here telling people who strongly advocate for privacy to be more “moderate”, and to “sound less crazy”. People who say that should be ignored and even banned if they persist. Time and time again privacy advocates and skeptics of the “if you don’t have anything to hide you shouldn’t worry” have been proven right, while the other side has been proven wrong. Remember when James Clapper lied in front of congress? I do. Remember when Snowden used to be glorified as long as it served the purpose of the media and some politicians? I do. How do people think of Snowden now? As a traitor, a rat, someone who should be executed.

Privacy is a universal human right, we all deserve to have some. Yet, being welcoming and open to people who are here to set obstacles for us at every step is not only counterproductive but foolish. They clearly don’t care about privacy, and they certainly don’t care if others lose it, so why should we welcome them here and embrace their drivel and gibberish with open arms? They are a detriment to our cause.

My two cents.

  • Gwynne@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    if there’s a way that I can follow someone on lemmy, I would have followed you by now. this can’t be more agreeable. sadly not all would agree with this kind of argument, some even resort to finding arguments that are irrelevant or weak.

    people who say that we sound crazy doesn’t change facts of what privacy advocates say. so what are we going to do, just be more ignorant? be “less crazy”? in this digital age, we ought to worry more about it, since unlike in the past, everyone now use the internet for everything.

    though, sometimes I think people are used to being watched, or just pretend that they don’t care themselves, then tell everyone else to “not worry about privacy, nothing to hide.” as a coping mechanism. if what I just said is true then, the reality of those people are a somewhat kafkaesque, like they have been indoctrinated into believing something is out of their control.

    (and secondly rather than banning them, if they persist, I’d try to convince them that the reality is, the crazy shit were saying, is true.)