I came across a few comments and topics here telling people who strongly advocate for privacy to be more “moderate”, and to “sound less crazy”. People who say that should be ignored and even banned if they persist. Time and time again privacy advocates and skeptics of the “if you don’t have anything to hide you shouldn’t worry” have been proven right, while the other side has been proven wrong. Remember when James Clapper lied in front of congress? I do. Remember when Snowden used to be glorified as long as it served the purpose of the media and some politicians? I do. How do people think of Snowden now? As a traitor, a rat, someone who should be executed.

Privacy is a universal human right, we all deserve to have some. Yet, being welcoming and open to people who are here to set obstacles for us at every step is not only counterproductive but foolish. They clearly don’t care about privacy, and they certainly don’t care if others lose it, so why should we welcome them here and embrace their drivel and gibberish with open arms? They are a detriment to our cause.

My two cents.

  • ufra@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    If this was articulated a bit a better, I might agree, but this wall of text with calls for banning and broad claims like:

    they clearly don’t care about privacy and they certainly don’t care if others lose it

    isn’t productive if you want to achieve basic things like stopping your friends and family from sharing your contact information on instagram.

    I have seen in lemmy some try to associate privacy concerns with right wing movements which is unfortunate. But spiteful language isn’t going to alleviate that tendency, especially when well funded and well staffed organisations like big tech and some government factions would like nothing more than that.

    The privacy community here has been pretty open to hardline stances on github, cloudflare, ddg, brave, and more. If there are specific examples of shilling or agenda pushing, I think you can address them inline or perhaps do some research and find supporting arguments to help make your case.

    • kitsunekun@lemmy.mlOP
      4 years ago

      lmao so the “wall of text” is your best critique?

      The naïveté of people here is astonishing

      Privacy is under fire 24/7, it has been like that for decades, if not centuries. And it has never been more intense than in recent times.

      I am just letting people know that small communities such as these, as well-intentioned and oriented as they may be, eventually become a target to subvert by those seeking to prevent them from achieving their goals.

      Don’t ban people if you don’t want to, that’s fine, but at least be aware of what’s happening and what people really mean when they say that we should be more “moderate” or “sound less crazy”.

      The rest, as I said, is childish idealism or having dinner with the fox while you’re the hen.

        • kitsunekun@lemmy.mlOP
          4 years ago

          thanks, man. you know, when I typed that I did use “enter”, but it dawned on me that I have to do it twice for the paragraphs to be displayed correctly. Cheers