Games are better together, right? I’m new to Destiny 2 and it’s my first Bungie game since Halo CE but I’m having a great time! If there are people here who wouldn’t mind going on missions with a newb, I’d love to have some new friends to play with.

I’m playing a goofy hammer Solar Titan, and it’s working well so far! I don’t die as often as I think I should, anyway

    1 year ago

    @RegularBard HAMMER GO BONK! Hammer build is great for keeping yourself alive when you shouldn’t be.

    I took a break for a bit, but I’m starting to get back into it again. Especially since I need to finish seasonal stuff, and the Solstice Event is up. I’d be willing to join up and help you with stuff whenever I’m on. I play a Titan too. Best class, and crayons taste good. Been running Strand since Lightfall dropped, but I was a Solar Titan all the way before that.