• very_well_lost@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I love how he waited until the day after Trump’s conviction to announce this, when the news cycle is still too busy covering Trump to spend any time on a covering it.

    Too cowardly to do this when people are actually paying attention, which really is the perfect summary of his career in politics.

    • dhork@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I think that’s a coincidence. The real deadline is June 1, because there is another deadline in WV for independant candidates to file for the ballot on Aug 1, and those applications can be challenged if the candidate changes parties in the two months prior to the application. So by doing this as late as possible in May, he preserves the right to run for Governor or Senate as an Independant.

      And like it or not, if he ran for either of those seats, he would win, and would be better than any Republican who might have won in his place. And if he ran for Senate and won, there is a very good chance that the party he decides to Caucus with will determine which side controls the Senate. So if he wins, he wil still be very popular with the establishment on both sides.

      You can expect Chuck to give him any committee chairmanship he wants if it means Chuck can get to 50-50 (where committees are equally balanced, and the VP breaks ties) or 51-49 (which gives Democrats the majority on committees regardless of who is the VP). If Democrats keep all their seats then also gain TX or FL, then Manchin’s vote is not as critical and Chuck is in better position to make him irrelevant.

      • ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        He’s an openly corrupt coal baron whose daughter quadrupled the price of EpiPens when she was CEO of Mylan (while the company donated the max allowed to Joe Manchin’s campaign and probably more to Super PACs).

        I realize Republicans are worse but he and his whole family should at least be required to sit in the exit row of unrefurbished Boeing 737 MAX planes. The first good thing they’ll have done for humanity will be helping identify a plane that didn’t get the exit door bolted on properly.