I used to bookmark the pages I’d like to read in the future, but I’m loosing track of them. Sometimes I even forget about them. So how do you organize or postpone the links you want to visit later? Is pocket a good solution?

  • koavf@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    The only path left for Mozilla employees (those faithful idealists who haven’t left) is to fork Mozilla as a workers coop (no execs, no difference in pay, full operational transparency)

    A co-op can have executives (voted on by the workers) and differences in pay (as part of a pay schedule, voted on by the workers).

    Don’t know if still the case, but for example Mozilla employees couldn’t (according to contract) tell anyone about their paycheck.

    This is heinous.

    Is that how FLOSS should be developed?

    Yes, all businesses should be worker-owned.