I used to bookmark the pages I’d like to read in the future, but I’m loosing track of them. Sometimes I even forget about them. So how do you organize or postpone the links you want to visit later? Is pocket a good solution?

  • Adda@lemmy.ml
    4 年前

    I have been using xBrowserSync browser extension and Android app for this exact purpose for a while. It is originally meant for syncing bookmarks and I sync bookmarks with it too (even though it is a bit fidgety with some browsers — having problems with theirs bookmarks hierarchy (it can read it just fine, only the sync is a bit problematic), so I don’t sync the bookmarks with browser bookmarks usually, only having it as a separate bookmarks backup), it mainly serves as a FOSS Pocket alternative to me. Using tags and optional bookmark’s (link’s/tab’s) description, one can quickly search for required articles. The search is not perfect from what I have noticed, but it has never failed to show me the required bookmark after a few attempts. And there are plenty of free public instances to use if you don’t want to self-host. Should be private and secure. Using it for now, and I am quite content with what I get.

    PS: Be careful not to erase all your bookmarks with it accidentally (read the instructions and backup your bookmarks first preferably).

    • marcosg@lemmy.ml
      4 年前

      I used it too a lot, and it’s an amazing extension that can sync between devices and different browsers.