Coming from Reddit, there were multiple car-related subs and they all saw some fairly heavy traffic with lots of posts and comments. Heck, even some of the model-specific ones seem to get more interaction than this sub does. What’s the deal?

    2 years ago

    I’ve posted a similar thought other places, but coming from reddit–where you are as good as anonymous on all but the most niche subs–it’s tough to get back into the mindset of posting to build community. It feels like coming full circle back to the topic-specific forums where you recognized a good 25%-50% of the people commonly posting and you didn’t have to worry about your voice getting drowned out by random chatter and bots.

    All that to say, I personally think posting semi-relevant or memey material, just for the sake of spurring conversation and getting to know other members is fine and probably a good thing while things are getting rolling.