• @jeffw@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Sanctions disproportionately hurt innocent civilians. Sanctioning individuals is one thing but entire nations shouldn’t be sanctioned. I thought we learned our lesson from Cuba but apparently not

      Edit: for all the neolibs and righties downvoting me, this probably won’t do much to convince you. For anyone else, here’s an explanation on why sanctions are a terrible idea:


      Here’s an in depth look at why sanctions fail:


      Basically, the entire point of sanctions if to hurt civilians. The logic is supposed to be that they will rise up and force a political change due to being angry and, often, starving to death. But that rarely happens. We just end up torturing poor people while wealthy elites get by just fine.

  • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
    402 months ago

    It was a logistical snafu. Other shipments are not delayed. CNN

    Back to your regularly scheduled Genocide.

    • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
      -82 months ago

      Just the weekly gaslighting from the Biden admistration that they’re not trying to help israel commit Genocide as hard as possible.

      Nothing to see here everyone. Don’t forget to vote for Genocide Joe in November!

      • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
        52 months ago

        Nah vote for third party or trump because trump winning will absolutely help Palestinians and totally not hurt them greatly. /s

          • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
            72 months ago

            Because your canvassing is working! /s

            You spend every waking hour on this cause so I hope you’re at least getting paid for it

            • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
              -32 months ago

              Biden spends every waking hour supporting this Genocide. I’ve said 6 months ago that the second he stops it is the second I stop defaming his Genocidal ass.

              Did he stop supporting Genocide yet?

                • @supersquirrel
                  2 months ago

                  If you live in the US or a close ally, you are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians.

                  If your strategy is to get people to vote for genocide joe by checks notes being condescending towards people who feel that genocide is a red line… you are just screaming into the wind mad that your politics are a dead end that nobody believes in anymore.

                  Genocide Joe needs to earn my vote and stop directly supporting a genocide while simultaneously spitting in the face of those raising their voices in alarm.

                  You want my vote? Easy pick up the phone and tell Netanyahu it’s over.

      • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
        12 months ago

        Well at least we’ll have Genocide Trump and the important thing - the ick of having to vote for Genocide Joe and be responsible for everything he does - will be mitigated.

        • @Lucidlethargy@sh.itjust.works
          31 month ago

          I honestly believe Trump could easily thrust the entire world into another major war… The idea of dismantling NATO alone would be extremely dangerous.

          Anyone with a brain can see the danger here, and separate it from the other horrors and dangers. Honestly, I think the guy here screaming about it is a bad actor, though.

      • @Lucidlethargy@sh.itjust.works
        11 month ago

        Are you a Trump voter regardless of this issue? I think you are. That, or your just here parroting propaganda.

        No sane person is going to let Trump win over Biden because of this. Trump has openly supported Israel and their genocide more than Biden ever has or will.

        • @fuckingkangaroos@lemm.ee
          21 month ago

          Are you a Trump voter

          My friend, you’re talking to Dimitri in St. Petersburg. He probably can’t even really vote in his own countries elections.

        • @Glytch@lemmy.world
          21 month ago

          It’s always about letting Trump win with folks like you. Maybe if GJ was someone worth voting for you wouldn’t have to work so hard to convince people to hold their noses and vote for corporate trash.

          Yes he’s the lesser of two evils, that doesn’t make him good by default and the oh so earnest hand wringing of “this could be our last election” doesn’t actually help your case the way you (obviously) think it does.

        • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
          01 month ago

          Were you tuned out of the last 6 months of Biden unconditionally supporting Genocide and pretending to wag his finger every week?

  • @kozy138@lemm.ee
    232 months ago

    It was probably because the munitions didn’t fit in the cargo plane with the fighter jets and armored vehicles that were due to be shipped.

    Hopefully it’s just a minor delay and we can get back to killing children soon 🤞

  • the post of tom joad
    132 months ago

    I didn’t see a “scoop” here. White Horse declined to comment, Israel doesn’t know, then the article lists a series of unrelated incidents which could accidentally cause a reader to mistake correlation with causation.

  • mycathas9lives
    -31 month ago


    When Hamas raided Israel they did not think through the consequences of their actions. These types of actions will be taken personally by members of the US ruling class. The ruling class will punish Hamas and the Palestinians through the Jews. That’s just how it works. Many people don’t really like the way it works. The US made 1948 Israel possible and will turn a blind eye while Israel does what it has to. Most Americans don’t like that, but know this is how it works.

    • @mlg@lemmy.world
      142 months ago

      Because he approved the last 5 shipments of weapons?

      Because he’s knowingly obscuring war crimes on behalf of Israel?

      Because he keeps vetoing overwhelmingly supported UN resolutions against Israel?

      Because he refuses to acknowledge university protests as anti genocide?

      Because he waited 6 months before deciding to stop funding a genocide?

      Because this report is still fresh and could mean literally nothing because the White House has not responded with comment?

        • @intrepid@lemmy.ca
          2 months ago

          I was hoping to not engage in this discussion. But I have never seen such a hypocritical take on current affairs.

          You have talked about antisemitism and genocide here. Antisemitism is real. But what Israeli supporters are doing here is to use that to shut down genuine criticisms of criminal activities. Your past history of persecution doesn’t give you a free pass to do the same onto others. You can’t claim racism to oppose the criticisms you receive due to your activities. Stop hiding behind strawman arguments.

          And what do you mean by ‘cheapening the genocide’? That it’s only genocide if Jews die at the hands of the Nazis or other antisemites? Or that the Palestinians are too cheap to be considered as genocided when they are killed en masse? Are you even honest enough to talk about the Palestinian casualties in terms of cause and numbers and still claim that it isn’t a genocide? Genocide has a well defined meaning. You don’t have a monopoly on it to twist it to your whims.

          It doesn’t take too much common sense to see that the Israeli response to Hamas’ initial wrong doings is greatly out of proportion. Hamas incursion was just an excuse to justify the ethnic cleansing in the region. But all I see is this transgression being billed as anti-hamas when even children are being slaughtered. How convenient is it to club all who you don’t like into a single terrorist group!

          what war crimes have israeli been convicted of and what does that have to do with biden?

          The same war crimes that other countries want to convict Israel of, but that’s blocked by Israel and the USA. The one that ICC at Hague is trying to, but is blocked by Bibi and biden pair.

          ‘I’m not convicted of anything’ isn’t a proper or even honest response when you control if you will be prosecuted at all. What you have applied is the justice of a tyrant - not that of a fair judicial system.

          • @supersquirrel
            2 months ago

            I am getting really tired of people questioning our motives for why we consider directly facilitating a genocide against Palestinians with US made weapons, by highly trained military personnel who not only our military has trained with, but many of the US’s largest police departments have trained with, conducting the mass killing. I don’t claim to be perfect, I especially don’t claim to be knowledgeable about every humanitarian crisis unfolding right now that isn’t getting enough attention, but I don’t understand why any of that establishes permission to ignore the humanity of the Palestinian people.

            We are against genocide of the Palestinians because we are against genocide, especially when its done with the taxes paid by the citizens of our country in such a direct fashion that the president of the United States has a unique unilateral capacity to stop because of Israel’s reliance on not only literal U.S. arms and supplies but also diplomatic and monetary support. No other state in the world is more dependent upon the choices of where US defense money goes and where it doesn’t and yet… Biden seems to be behaving like this is some obscure remote conflict that he barely has any say over allllll the way over in the far off middle east

            (also if you aren’t from the U.S. but Britain or France or some other colonial power, same difference, insert your own countries politics here).