Alt text: meme with the ‘Always has been’ format Linux, MacOS, OpenBSD and ChromeOS logos on top of the Earth The first astronaut says ‘Wait, it’s all Unix?’ A Windows logo, on top of the second astronaut. The second astronaut says ‘Always has been’ and points a gun to the first astronaut.

    10 months ago

    Im using freebsd on my nas because it has better zfs support than linux does. Or at least was the case as of a couple years ago.

    Originally i just threw a few extra drives into my old Arch machine, but i noticed my package upgrades were being held back because zfs on linux (or whatever they called it) was dependant on older kernels or something. I cant remember the exact details.

    • Bob Smith
      10 months ago

      I owe myself a fresh install of freebsd on decent, well-supported hardware sometime. I end up shoving it on niche, constrained or old hardware to see if I can get better results than linux. One day, I’ll give it a real rundown on modern hardware.