I’m not sure if I understand how this cantrip works. I really want to use it for silly things, like having my fun-sized -1 strength rogue smack a table indignantly, sending sparks flying everywhere and leaving a black mark on the wood, or sneaking up to a guard and soiling their pants, but that doesn’t really work, does it? My DM said that spellcasting breaks stealth, and that typically people can tell that I am casting something if I am casting something, so what would I even use this for, if I basically can’t use it to actually trick people? It wouldn’t even be possible to cheat at card games, since anyone could tell that I just did some magic. Am I missing something here?

  • Sazzypants@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Prestidigitation is one of those spells that are more flavourful than impactful until the very moment is absolutely perfect and everyone is staring at their character sheets in a panic wondering what the hell they can do in a clutch situation.

    Until then there are plenty of things you can do with it for fun and to encourage roleplay (depending on the style of table you’re at): flavour someone who just upset you’s food like something gross, snuff out the candle of your wizard copying spells in the middle of the night because you don’t sleep well with a light on, sneak up behind someone and add to the fright when you say, “What are you doing?” by making an explosion of sparks.

    Talk to your DM so that you both understand what each other are going for, but you will probably find that a lot of DMs are far more lenient about these things if they’re used as flavour rather than for tactical advantages.